VX Manager
This Project is hosted at:
VX Manager REDME file
Table of content:
* Project introduction
* Installation
* Tools overview
* Help wanted
* Links
*** Yaesu VX Manager Project ***
The aim of this project is a toolbox to copy "clone data" between the
Yaesu HTs and the computer and modify these "clone data".
The Yaesu HTs (see http://www.yaesu.com/) have the possibility to clone, that
means they copy their configuration from one HT to another.
This project allows the computer to play the role of a sender or reciver of
clone data.
NO WARRANTY! Use at your own risk!
*** Installation ***
If you have the tarball, extract it, change to the new directory and run:
make install
You can skip the make install and use the binaries in src/ without install.
If you just checked out from CVS (no tarball) you have to run first:
Then you can run configure and make.
For new versions look at:
The first tool provided with this project is vx7clone.
This program can copy data from and to the HT VX-7.
usage: vxclone [-i ifile][-o ofile][-d dev][-b1 ifile][-b2 ifile][-csv ofile][-c]
Now lets look at the options:
The first thing you should do wenn you start playing with your HT is to make a
copy of your actual configuration:
vx7clone -d /dev/ttyS1 -o backup.vx7
The -d option gives the serial line to use /dev/ttyS1 (= COM2 at DOS).
The -o tells vxclone to write an output file called backup.vx7.
You should get an srceen output as follows:
open port /dev/ttyS1 ...
1) power up VX-7 with [MON/F] pressed
2) press [Enter] on Keyboard (PC)
3) press [BAND] within 30 s
reading block 1: - ok (Ack: 06)
reading block 2: - ok (Ack: 06)
reading block 3: ................................ - ok
close /dev/ttyS1
Check Sums: 6C/6C 6C/6C 67/67 (ok)
checking check sums - ok
open output file 'backup.vx7'
Of coure the check summs may differ.
To copy this configuration back to the HT use:
vxclone -d /dev/ttyS1 -i backup.vx7
You see -i gives an input file.
If you have changed the file you wish to upload, it can fail because the
checksums are wrong. Then you should use the -c option so vx7clone will
calculate new summs.
Usualy you want to modify your configuration before you send it back to the HT.
With vx7memload you can load predefined frequencies like PMR, LDP, CB into the
channel memories, or import from a .csv file.
usage: vx7memload -i ifile -o ofile [-csv ofile] [-mem ifile [m]] [-otm ifile]
[-pmr [m]] [-lpd [m [n]]] [-fnet [m]] [-cb [m [n]]] [-frs [m]]
En detail:
ifile and ofile are the .vx7 configuration files (input and output)
-csv ofile will output all memories in a .csv file.
-mem ifile [m] will append all channel from the .csv ifile to the memory channels and
optional to the memory group m.
-otm ifile will append all channel from the .csv ifile to the otm channels
-pmr [m] will append the PMR channels to the memory and optional to the MG m.
-lpd [m [n]] append the LPD channels to the memory and optional to the MG m and n.
-fnet [m], -cb [m [n]], -frs [m] do the same for FreeNet, CB and FRS.
Don't use the file you get with -csv to import with -mem or -otm, because it contains
too much channels. You can cut the line you will import from this file.
bash-2.05b$ vx7memload -i backup.vx7 -o pmr.vx7 -pmr 2
open input file 'backup.vx7'
checking check sums - ok
open output file 'pmr.vx7'
This will load the configuration from backup.vx7, append the PMR channels to the
memory and MG2 and writes the result to pmr.vx7.
You can then upload pmr.vx7 with:
bash-2.05b$ vx7clone -d /dev/ttyS1 -i pmr.vx7
open input file 'pmr.vx7'
checking check sums - ok
Check Sums: 6F/6F 6F/6F 98/98 (ok)
open port /dev/ttyS1 ...
1) power up VX-7 with [MON/F] pressed
3) press [V/M] at VX-7
3) press [Enter] on Keyboard (PC)
writing block 1: - ok (Ack: 06)
writing block 2: - ok (Ack: 06)
writing block 3: ................................ - ok
close /dev/ttyS1
An other thing you can do with cloning is doing soft mods.
You can change the configuration by software with the same effect
as if you do hardware modification. Actually you can change the
configuration Byte that represents the jumper settings. Normaly you
would (un-)solder you jumpers and then reset your HT. Soft mods will
lead to the same result, except that after a reset your changes
will be losst. The program for soft mods is:
vx7softmods -i ifile -o ofile [-b1 ifile] [-b2 ifile] [-c] [-jo n] [-jc n] [-vj n]
[-vb n] [-rx n] [-tx n]
-i, -o and -c are the same as before.
-jo gives a bit mask for jumpers to open (-jo 0x10 will open the 5. jumper).
-jc gives a bit mask for jumpers to close.
-vj gives the virtual jumper byte directly (can interfere with -jo/-jc).
-vb will set byte 0B, which function is unknown.
-rx sets byte 0C: 0= ham rx only
-tx sets byte 0D: 0= ham tx only
Example - opens jumper 5:
bash-2.05b$ vx7softmods -i backup.vx7 -o cab.vx7 -jo 0x10
open input file 'backup.vx7'
checking check sums - ok
VX-7 configuration:
Current Hardware Setting: 0xE2
CPU Version Byte 1: 0x02
CPU Version Byte 2: 0x02
JUMPERS: =2=4==== (0x0A) -> Byte: 0xF2
Wide/Ham RX: 0x02
Wide/Ham TX: 0x01
open output file 'cab.vx7'
After uploading cab.vx7 to HT (vx7clone -d /dev/ttyS1 -i cab.vx7) it will
act like jumper 5 is open.
After softmods you can't upload you old configuration again, because the
configuration (1. Block) don't match any more. So vx7clone -d /dev/ttyS1 -i backup.vx7
will give you a clone error. The solution is to read back the current configuration
vx7clone -d /dev/ttyS1 -o current.vx7
and than upload to old settings with a new 1. Block:
vx7clone -d /dev/ttyS1 -i backup.vx7 -b1 current.vx7
This will restore you old settings without a clone error.
*** Help: ***
Everybody running these tools can help!
* For better analysis of the clone data, I would like to have more examples.
So please send me your clone date (*.vx7) with info on you Model and country
where it was purchased by email: maassen@users.sourceforge.net
* Any information on clone data is welcome.
* Programmers for debugging, analysis and new features are welcome.
* Hackers to support more Hardware models are welcome.
* GUI-Programmers for user friendly interfaces are welcome.
*** LINKS: ***
1) A describtion of the clone data by Hiroto Fukui can be found here:
2) if you want to build an interface cabel ourown look here:
3) A nice describtion of the VX-7:
4) to see what software can do with your HT have a look to VX-commander;